Saturday, April 24, 2010


Hi all:

The 10th Anniversary gathering will be held at Black Creek Pioneer Village, on Saturday, July 17th, 2010. Here are some of the highlights of the gathering:

*BCPV staff will set up some special displays from their collection for us.

*Wear a vintage costume and enter the competition for a prize

*Speaker Harry Burzack from Charlotte, NC

*Auction with Bob Bannen returning as auctioneer! We already have two handcrank Singer model 12 sewing machines for the auction!

*sit down lunch

*Marty Eckmann Brent will be speaking on the sewing machine manufacturing industry of Ontario from 1860 to 1897

*Quilt show of block exchange and challenge projects made by our members over the 10 year history of Can Sew

*Door prizes

*fun and fellowship with kindred spirits!

To view the brochure which includes the registration form, visit:

The brochure is posted in the files on this group. Deadline for registration is June 15th, 2010. For more information email at the link on the side bar. Hope to see lots of early members there!!

*If you are not on the yahoo group, email me for a .doc attachment via email.